Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Swimming

It seem all we have done the last few weeks is swim. It is so fun to have all the kids over to swim. The little ones are getting used to the water and loving it. I think we may be able to get Abbie and Dallas swimming before they are a year old. They love the water!!

I had a great Mother's Day weekend. Most of the kids came over on Saturday for swimming and roast beef sandwiches. On Sunday after church we met at a park located near Lisa and played T-ball and kick ball. It was so fun to see the Moms and Dads coach their little ones on the rules of the games.

Today in School Board Meeting I am going to be recognized for 25 years of service to the Washington County School District. I have worked 25 year since we moved back to St. George. I worked 4 years part time before I was married, but it was part time work. I can not believe that I have been working this long. I really hope the next 5 years go by quickly. I am looking forward to be home and sewing and painting and reading and anything else I want to do.

Tonight Dave and I will be driving to Las Vegas to see Cher in concert. I am really excited. We haven't been to a concert in a very long time. I know Cher is old - but so are we. I will let you all know how it was.

I will attach some picutres of our tiny babies swimming.

1 comment:

The Fletchies said...

Congrats on the 25 year award! I'm sure they are so grateful that you have been there so long. I hope you had fun at the Cher concert. I took Annie and Julia to a Hannah Montanna concert in Vegas and it was alot of fun. Sounds like you guys have been having a great time in the pool! We haven't even started swimming yet but we will soon since its broken to the hundreds now. Its gotten so hot so fast!